The Q Center’s main focus is to support general education Q courses required of all students. We don’t have the resources to support upper division courses or courses designed primarily for majors.
Sometimes: If a course is marked “Sometimes”, then tutoring for this course has limited availability. Please check our Tutoring by Topic to see when we have tutors available who are familiar with the topic you need. When we are very busy, we must give priority to primary courses and your wait time may be longer.
No: If you do not see a course listed on this page, then the Q Center does not support this course. Please check the resources available through the department or your instructor. We also offer a list of private tutors on our website (please note that these tutors charge a fee for their services.)
Always: MATH 1011Q, 1020Q, 1030Q, 1040Q, 1050Q, 1060Q, 1070Q, 1071Q, 1110Q, 1131Q, 1132Q
Sometimes: MATH 1151Q, 1152Q, 2010Q, 2011Q, 2110Q, 2130Q, 2210Q, 2360Q, 2410Q
Always: CHEM 1124Q, 1125Q, 1126Q, 1127Q, 1128Q
Sometimes: CHEM 1137Q, 1138Q, 1147Q, 1148Q
Always: PHYS 1010Q, 1201Q, 1202Q, 1401Q, 1402Q, 1501Q, 1502Q, 1601Q
Sometimes: PHYS 1020Q, 1025Q, 1030Q, 1035Q, 1075Q, 1600Q, 1602Q
Always: STAT 1000Q, 1100Q
Sometimes: STAT 2215Q