Summer tutoring is online only

 online tutoring


The Q Center provides peer tutoring and review sessions for undergraduate Q courses in math, chemistry, physics and statistics. Our tutors are students (just like you!) who have taken the classes and may even have had the same professor. Our tutors go through an extensive testing and interview process to ensure that they can help you in the best way possible. We also have graduate assistants from the four disciplines to assist with tutoring and facilitating review sessions.

Summer 2024 hours:

Summer tutoring starts on Tuesday, 5/28 and ends on Thursday, 8/8

MONDAY to THURSDAY from 4 pm - 8 pm

We will be closed the week of 7/1 - 7/4


Contact Us

Quantitative Learning Center
369 Fairfield Way, Unit 1200
Storrs, CT 06269-1200


Phone: (860) 486-1961


The Q Center is located on Level 3 in the Babbidge Library